Junk Works

Providing Canada with professional, fast and eco-friendly junk removal services.

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Why we should dispose of old appliances?

What Are the Benefits of Disposing of Old Appliances?

Out with the old and in with the new. Spring is the perfect time to start clearing out your space and potentially disposing of (and replacing) old appliances. Shiny new metal and upgraded features look great and can help you save time during your day-to-day activities. Whether it’s a new microwave, a roomier fridge, or an upgraded stove with the latest technology.

However, when it comes to disposing of these items, you can’t just toss them in the bin like you would with any other regular garbage. Appliances contain materials and parts that can’t be thrown in your regular garbage, as they may pose a safety risk for others and the environment. To make sure that you are disposing of your appliances correctly, read below to find out how you should go about getting rid of your old stuff and the major benefits of doing so.

Upgrading Your Appliances

Obviously, one of the main benefits of disposing of your old appliances is that you make room for new ones. In fact, when you are buying new appliances from a store, they may agree to remove the old appliances and dispose of them while making your delivery. Even if these services come with a fee, it’s quite convenient and ensures that the appliances are being disposed of properly. If you are planning to go this route and trade it in, you might want to check around and see if any companies in the area offer rebates for trading in older appliances. Not only is this helpful to you and the environment, but it can put some money back into your pocket.

Selling or Donating Appliances

Another popular way to get rid of your old appliances is to advertise to sell or donate them. If you plan on doing this, make sure your appliances are still in good working order and that they are well-maintained so as not to pose any safety risks or hazards to potential buyers. Make sure you clean out your appliances before you give them off to someone else and that you let the seller test it out before buying so they can see it still works.

Also, ensure that your appliances don’t have any missing parts, as this can greatly impact the sale. Popular methods of selling include online sites where you can trade or buy used products, or a garage sale where you may choose to clear out more of your items at once. Whatever you decide to do, make sure that you are realistic with what price you expect, as used appliances are often sold quite cheaply.

If you want to bypass the sale negotiations and possible advertising to customers, you may choose to donate your old appliances. Many families that are in need would be happy to use your appliances that are still in good working order. Not only does this benefit the community, but it can be convenient for you! This is because many companies or groups looking for donations will offer to pick up your appliances so that you don’t have to worry about transporting them. It’s a win-win situation!

Recycling to Protect the Environment

When you recycle your appliances, you are protecting the earth, helping the environment, and conserving resources. Keep in mind that pretty much any type of appliance or electronic waste can be recycled, including refrigerators, washers, dryers, stoves, and more. When you don’t recycle your appliances, they end up in landfills when they could easily be reused for their metal content. Metal is a non-renewable resource, so we must conserve and reuse as much of it as we can. The environment can also be at risk when metals decompose, and harmful elements contaminate the water. Overall, it’s better for us when old appliances and their materials are saved from the landfills.

Convenience and Ease with Junk Works Services

To make your life easier, we offer professional junk removal services that include recycling and disposal of unwanted goods in an eco-friendly manner. We can come to your home and haul your appliances and junk away so that you are only left with clear space and no hassles. We work around your schedule and can quickly get the job done at your convenience. Luckily for you, our team of professionals and technicians are equipped with the tools and knowledge necessary to make sure your garbage goes exactly where it should in a timely and efficient manner.

So, while you’re off shopping for new shiny appliances, don’t forget to consider where your old appliances will end up. Here at Junk Works, we offer professional appliance removal services so that you can focus on the upgrades and leave your junk behind without worries. For more information on professional junk removal and disposing of your appliances, please call Junk Works at 1-888-888-JUNK or contact us here. Our team will be more than happy to assist you with your garbage disposal and spring-cleaning plans.