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Monthly Archives: June 2017

How To Make Your Business Greener

Business owners can improve the appeal of their organization and move their brand forward in the marketplace by enacting green initiatives. An environmentally-friendly approach to running your company can help your organization achieve its operational objectives and appeal to a wider audience. But where do you begin? In this latest post, our electronic waste removal experts highlight four environmental tips for businesses.

4 Environmental Tips For Businesses

  1. Choose Trusted Waste Removal Experts

    Taking on the electronic waste removal process alongside trusted professionals can help you to maintain your commitment to the environment. Make sure that the removal team you work with has experience in removing and disposing of electronic products effectively. One of the challenges inherent in this process is the data on electronic devices. Unprofessional companies could cause harm to your business by disseminating stored customer information on older devices.

  2. Manage Energy Use

    Your business’s energy use impacts the amount of carbon emitted into the atmosphere, thereby directly contributing to global warming. It’s important to minimize energy use where possible and to put in place policies that help support energy efficiency. For example, instead of using incandescent light bulbs around the office, you might switch to LED systems, which offer greater energy efficiency and more durability.

  3. Remove Older Electronics

    When considering how best to improve the environmental performance of your office and its equipment, take a look at older technology. Oftentimes, equipment such as printers, scanners and computers tends to use more electricity when entering the later stages of their functional life. This means that companies can improve their productivity while reducing their energy use by replacing older equipment. Complete a full inventory of all electronics in the office and consider replacing systems that have become worn out or ineffective.

  4. Educate Employees

    While a business owner can institute policies from the top down, only by working with employees on an individual basis can you work to ensure that each person understands their role in mitigating the organization’s impact on the environment. Conduct employee training sessions and ensure employees have access to the latest information on the value of environmentally-friendly work practices. You should also task a manager with reviewing the company’s environmental initiatives on a regular basis.

Our experts are here to guide you in ensuring your organization is meeting its environmental goals! To discover more about the topic, speak to our electronic waste removal team today!