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When should you upgrade your heater?

Ditch the Chill This Winter: 9 Signs It’s Time to Upgrade Your Heater

Has the decrease in temperatures outside led to an increase in your energy bills? Do you hear your house creak and squeak when it starts to heat up? You may think it is cost-effective to make quick fixes to your old unit instead of buying a new one, but it may be more expensive than you expected!

Here are a few signs you should upgrade your heating system

  1. Are you experiencing squeaking from your heating system? How loud is it? Does it rumble, boom, or clang? The sound of strange noises coming from your furnace is a good indication that it needs to be replaced.
  2. Is your house too cold? Is it too hot? How about both? Do you notice that certain rooms are much warmer than others? Are certain bedrooms consistently cold, while others stay comfortable? Air duct problems can cause this. HVAC systems should distribute heat equally throughout your home. Inconsistent temperatures might indicate that it’s time to upgrade. An expert should inspect your ducts first to determine if they can just be cleaned or sealed.
  3. In the last few decades, thermostats have evolved significantly. You can save energy and keep your home comfortable with programmable thermostats. Buying a new thermostat may be a great investment if you have not upgraded it in a while.
  4. Are you feeling the humidity? If you have problems with moisture in your home or air that is too dry, your furnace or ducts could be the problem. In the summer, air that is too humid and far too dry can irritate sinuses caused by faulty equipment. However, you can reduce dry air by installing a new heating system. Furthermore, it can assist in preserving porous materials like wood, furniture, and musical instruments.
  5. Do you have high energy bills? When it comes to your home heating system, replace it if it costs you too much. Avoid units that drain your bank account (and harm the environment as well).
  6. The cause of your rising energy bills may be your unit. Systems that are old or inefficient consume more energy. The inefficiency can sometimes be fixed, but the only real solution is a complete replacement.
  7. Are you finding that your unit is running longer than usual? If you find your unit running longer than usual, you may have a problem maintaining the temperature you want. Inefficiencies like these are a result of an ageing unit.
  8. After repairs, if it still runs much longer than it used to, it is damaged. A heating system upgrade may be in order.
  9. This heating system has been serviced for more than ten years. In comparison, new heating systems can achieve an efficiency of up to 99 percent, whereas old heating systems operate at around 55 to 70 percent efficiency. You might not need to replace your furnace just yet, but investing in a new one could save you a lot of money in the long-run.

It is important to speak with a professional if you have already decided that you need a new heating unit or simply want to learn more about what an upgrade might offer.

Winter heating risks

  • The heat may seem like a good idea all winter, but leaving it at the most comfortable setting can be dangerous for several reasons. For one, your heating system will be overworked. You won’t get as much life out of your equipment if it’s constantly working to keep your house at 70 degrees or higher.
  • The second problem is that your utility bills will skyrocket if you only rely on your heating system for warmth. If you use an oil heater, you can expect huge heating bills.
  • The last thing you need to consider is that running your boiler generates soot and produces low levels of carbon monoxide. Continuously using it for months straight can increase the prevalence of these issues in your home, potentially putting you and your family at risk.

9 Budget-Friendly Ways to Keep Your Home Warm

There are a few ways to stay warm this winter without spending a fortune.

1. Keep the area around heaters clear

Don’t let furniture or other belongings block steam radiators, baseboards, or hot air vents in your home. The clearer they are, the more efficiently your room will be heated, and the less they will overwork your system.

2. Area rugs are a good idea

The heat we lose from our feet is very significant, especially on cold tiles or cement floors. You can lower your home’s temperature by a few degrees without noticing by using area rugs to help keep your feet warm.

3. Dampers are opened

Ensure the dampers on your ducts are open if you have an HVAC system! Airflow will be improved, and inefficiencies will be reduced.

4. Make sure you replace your HVAC filters

In addition to cleaning your indoor air, replacing your HVAC filters will also reduce blockages and make your system run more efficiently. Simply changing your filters can reduce your energy bills significantly.

5. Zone heating

You don’t need 70 degrees in every part of your home! It is okay to set your thermostat to 60 or 65 in a basement that you rarely use. If other rooms are seldom used, you can also set it lower.

6. Thermostats with smart features

Isn’t it a waste of energy to heat your home while everyone is at work? Smart thermostats allow you to lower the temperature when everyone is at work and automatically increase it once you arrive home.

7. Daytime window treatments

It is great to have curtains, shutters, and shades in the summer to keep heat out, but in the winter, you can open them to let sunlight heat your home.

8. When the sun goes down, close your curtains and blinds

During the day, sunlight can warm your house, but at night, your windows can lose heat. When the sun sets, make sure your window treatments are closed to help retain as much heat as possible.

9. Keep Your Heating System In Good Shape

Lastly, have your heating system serviced by a professional. Lubrication and replacement of broken or damaged components are among the services they perform. These steps will ensure that your system doesn’t become overworked and consume more energy than necessary.

The saying goes that everything good has to end at some point. One day, even your home heating unit will stop working for good. You can give your old unit a graceful end by upgrading it to a new one.

For more information about our professional appliance disposal service in Ontario, call Junk Works at 1-888-888-JUNK (5865) or contact us here.