Junk Works

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Category Archives: Office Cleaning

Great Ways To Motivate Your Office Staff

Whether you are managing a team of five staff members or a hundred, it falls to you to be proactive with regard to motivating your team. Everyone is hired to perform certain tasks and they are in that position because they are the best at what they do. However, even the most productive workers can sometimes hit a “slump.” This is especially true when those employees are performing the same tasks repeatedly. It will help to keep your team motivated by putting some of these ideas into action:

Open Lines of Communication

The Internet has certainly changed the way that we communicate with each other. On some level, it has made office work much more efficient. It is easy to send an email or text to someone and get a fast response. That certainly keeps the work flowing, but it doesn’t always motivate the staff. It is important that you establish the open lines of communication and not just email. You should devote time during every workday to try and have face-to-face meetings with some of your staff members. There’s nothing wrong with calling them into the office just to check in. These meetings are great way to take the “temperature” of the staff and to build up their loyalty.

Be the Model

When a deadline approaches, most employees don’t mind staying late in order to make sure the project is completed on time. It is hard to imagine anyone getting through their work career without putting in some overtime. It is important that you don’t wear out your staff by constantly asking them to stay late. When they do stay late, then you should be staying late right alongside them. Even if you are not directly involved with their tasks, you should still be there to provide support. That shows your staff that you are all in this together.

Provide Room for Advancement

No employee wants to think that they are stuck in a dead-end job. There should always be that hope that a possible promotion is on the horizon. You can encourage that hope by actively promoting from within. You will find that promoting one member of your staff is like promoting everyone. They will all be in support of that person that they have been working alongside of. It will also make for a smoother transition.

Create A Clutter Free Work Environment

As the manager of an office, you are also in charge of maintaining the level of cleanliness in that office. The janitorial services are usually taken care of by an independent cleaning service. However, that might not be all that is needed to create a clutter free work environment. Whenever you have any amount of excess office furniture and equipment taking up space in a storeroom or corner of your office, then you should consider getting it removed. That is a job that Junk Works can be a big help with. These are the professional junk haulers who can quickly clear out any office space without causing disruption. Once all that unwanted rubbish is cleared out, you will find that the work environment is a much more productive place. Bring in Junk Works to clean out the office of unwanted clutter and keep your staff happy.