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Tag Archives: clutter

Tight On Storage Space? These Space Saving Hacks Can Make A Big Difference

Harsh truth: we all don’t live in mansions. Even if we did, chances are you would still run out of space. Whether you fall under the category of casual “pack rat” or a full-fledge hoarder, storage space in your home is always at a premium. These storage hacks might just open up your available space.


Get Shoes Off The Floor

There are many great shoe caddies you can hang over your closet door. They get the shoes off the floor and frees up closet space. However, you don’t have to stop at the closet door. Suppose you have a little nook or corner in your bedroom that is going unused. You could mount a hanging shoe rack and cover it with a decorative curtain and expandable curtain rod. That way you can have dozens of shoes within reach. As an added bonus, you’ll be able to hide your shoe addiction from guests. Perfect!

Magnetize Your Spices

Do you find yourself faced with an avalanche of spices every time you open the kitchen cabinet? A better approach would be to magnetize those spices. A magnetic spice rack can be hung on the inside door. That takes care of the spices and leaves plenty of room for the hot sauces.

Go High With Your Shelves

Take a look around your home especially within those rooms with high ceilings. Those could be the perfect place to put up shelves. Above doors are a great spot for shelves, too. Although these would technically be the “out of reach” kind of shelves, they would be perfect for a book collection or storing other items. Use nice wicker baskets that fit into the shelf and you’ve got a terrific storage space. If your shelf is long, be sure to have a brace in the middle to support the weight of what you’ll be storing.

Put Your Corners To Work

There are surprising amounts of shelving units that are specifically designed for use in a corner. Think triangle. Once again, take stock of your space. If you have a corner that is sitting open, then installing shelves for that area could let you bring out some of the keepsakes you’ve been keeping in boxes. That opens up space in your closet, garage, attic or wherever you’ve been keeping those boxes. It’s all about shifting things around and that’s a good thing.

Get Rid of the Clutter

The obvious choice for opening up more storage space is to get rid of the clutter you have accumulated over the years. This is where Junk Works comes into play. One call to these professional junk haulers and you can have all your unwanted items removed in literally a matter of minutes. Best of all, you won’t be lifting a finger or paying by the pound for junk removal services. Junk Works provide you with a dependable moving crew. As for the fee, you’ll be charge an estimate based on how your stuff will fit onto the back of the truck. It’s a terrific approach for this type of work. When you’re ready to open up storage space in your home, bring in Junk Works to get the job done.