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Tag Archives: clutter

How To Prepare For Roommate

Bringing in a roommate to your home or apartment is going to provide a lot of financial benefits. You’ll be able to save on rent while possibly living in a much nicer place. You’ll also be sharing expenses for utilities, Internet and cable. That is all money that can go into your own savings. Moving in with a total stranger can be a challenge. That’s why many friends make the transition to roommates. Whether you’re moving in with a friend, cousin or a total stranger there are certain steps you can take to prepare for your roommate. Here’s what you should consider:


Set Up a Financial Plan

In order to keep things efficient, you want to set up a financial plan with your roommate. That way they won’t be any doubt as to what is expected to be paid and when those funds should be handed over. That starts with the rent. You need to find out if your roommate is going to pay you in cash, check or direct deposit. In either scenario, you want to make sure you give them receipt with every payment. It’s probably better that you pay your landlord with a single check. You should also work out exactly what is expected in terms of the other bills and when they are.

Write Up a Roommate Agreement

A roommate agreement is a lot like a lease. In fact, many of the things like restrictions on smoking and pets could already be in your lease. If so, then you’ll want your roommate to sign that lease as well. However, there could be some things that you want included that should be spelled out in this agreement. That could pertain to things like overnight guests, parking, storage or anything else that is important to you. It will be hard to try and enforce a rule after someone has already agreed move in but wasn’t aware of the rule.

Clear Out the Clutter

If you’re bringing a new roommate into your current living situation, then they are going to expect an empty space. That’s not only true for their bedroom but also for designated closet and storage areas. This is where a call to Junk Works will make a huge difference.

Junk Works are the professional junk haulers who can make quick work out of removing all kinds of bulky objects like sofas or futons. They will also be great with helping you get rid of closet clutter like clothing, shoes, old computers and other unwanted rubbish. You’ll be assigned two capable movers from Junk Works who are going to do all the lifting and loading for you. Hiring Junk Works to help get ready for your new roommate is going to be a big help.