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Tag Archives: rubbish

Summer Prep To-Do List For The Home

A large portion of anyone’s summer’s plan should include stretching out in a hammock with a good book. If a hammock isn’t available, then finding a park bench or spot on a shoreline will also do nicely. Summers are meant for kids playing in the backyard and families going on vacations. It will help if the “to-do” items on the house chore list are complete before the relaxation and fun can begin. Here’s what should be on your prep list for the home:

Service the Air Conditioner

As temperatures rise, your air conditioner will get a work out. It probably has been sitting idle for most of the last several months, but not you want to count on it to be ready to keep the house cool. To make that happen, you’ll want to perform a little preventative maintenance by flushing out the system and cleaning the filters. That is easy to do with a window unit but it might be more complicated with central air. That is a job for a professional HVAC tech to inspect the A/C and clean out your home’s air ducts.

Clean Windows & Screens

Bright, sunshiny days are part of the summer and are best viewed through clean windows. This is the time to tackle cleaning your windows both from the inside and the outside. A squeegee is the best tool to use for this goal. Outside, you can also wash down the windows with your garden hose. Just don’t use a pressure washer. It might break the glass. While you’re outside, collect all the screens from the windows and give them a thorough hosing down, as well. You should also inspect your window casings for any rot or other damage and get that fix before the next big storm.

Tune Up Summer Tools

Like your air conditioner, your lawn mower has also been dormant for the last few months. Now you could be mowing the lawn every other week. That means you want to make sure your mower is up to the challenge. You can remove the blades and get them sharpened. If you have a gas-powered mower, then replace your oil, spark plugs and fuel filters. When everything is put back together, give it all a good lubrication.

Inspect the Roof

Time to break out the ladder and clean your rain gutters. While you’re up there, you’ll be able to inspect the roof for any damage. This is even more important if your roof has passed the thirty-year mark. With regard to the rain gutters, you should run the hose through them after cleaning to make sure the water flows as it should.

Remove the Rubbish

Although you might have already done a deep clean throughout the house for spring, there might still be some lingering rubbish items that need to be removed. Anything that can’t fit into the trash, but you’ve decided you no long need, should be haul away. This is another type of job for an outside pro and the best company for this task is Junk Works. These are the expert junk haulers who can swiftly cart off any item in your home regardless of size or weight. Kick off your summer by getting the house clear of rubbish. Junk Works can help with that task. Set up your session today.